Against the turbulent backdrop of the Civil War, FLAME OF NEW ORLEANS unfolds the dramatic tale of a bold and beautiful Confederate spy who falls in love with a man she hates -- a dashing Union officer who saves her life and forces her into an unusua...
TWIN BEAUTIES, DAUGHTERS OF DESTINY MARIGOLD AND MARANTA One, a dazzling golden-haired beauty, the other an ivory-skinned brunette. Both were from a prominent plantation family -- neither was the mistress of her fate. Each was forced into a ma...
Phoenix Rising is Atlanta, the Phoenix City that is reborn from its own destruction, the enthralling story of a silver-haired beauty and the exotic stranger who loves her... Kenna Chalmers, a georgeous debutante, becomes an army nurse with one though...
An enthralling novel of love and war--and of the men and women who flew daring missions over Europe in World War II...Before she knew it she was in his arms. His mouth captured hers-gentle, playful kiss at first. And then, something happened--unplann...
ATLANTA BETWEEN THE TWO WORLD WARS...A RESPECTABLE SOCIETY EXPLODING IN SCANDAL Beautiful Steppie Wexford finds her peaceful, happy life suddenly shattered. First, her husband is murdered. Then her stepdaughter accuses her of killing him! And her ...
They called her Sunny. She was a spirited Navy nurse with iridescent blond hair...the gently-bred daughter of a brigadier general...the graciously beautiful Amanda Fitzpatrick. Assigned to the hospital ship Good Hope, Sunny found her work inspirin...
Four women--Alison, a young mother; Rebecca, a freed slave; sexy teenager Madrigal; and Flood, who disguises herself as a man--who work in the mills of Roswell find themselves branded as traitors and forced into a terrifying ordeal, in a novel based ...
A sequel to The Roswell Women, this novel continues the story of Allison Meadors after the Civil War. She is appalled to find that the girl her son intends to marry is really the daughter of her first husband Coin, whom she believed to have died in a...
SHE WOULD SPEND A LIFETIME FIGHTING FOR HER INDIAN HERITAGE IN A WHITE MAN'S WORLD... -- Daughter of an English fur trader and his wilderness wife, young Coosaponakeesa, princess of the Upper and Lower Creeks, left her Indian village for Charlestow...
Assuming the identity of a murdered schoolmarm in order to escape her treacherous husband and violent life, noblewoman Anya Fodorsky settles in a boomtown in the Dakota territory, until her secret is discovered by a man who promises love. Through ...
LILI WAS QUALITY...A LADY, A BEAUTY...BUT HER OWN HUSBAND SOLD HER AS A SLAVE! Posing as a servant seemed a harmless deception, and the pretense gave Lili a chance to really know the man she'd married. But Lili had not reckoned on becoming her...
She would spend a lifetime fighting for her Indian heritage in a white man's world....Daughter of an English fur trader and his wilderness wife, young Coosaponakeesa, princess of the Upper and Lower Creeks, left her Indian village for Charlestown to ...
When Love and Murder Collideā¦ From restoring the gardens on a Mobile Bay estate, turned into an artists' colony, to being trapped on an offshore island with a murderer, Carley Burnside, a young landscape architect, discovers that things are not alw...
The heartrending story of the Cherokee Nation and one woman who fought to save it from destruction... The child of two worlds, she would inspire and sustain her people on a forced journey into exile... Though educated in a white man's world, Laurel M...
Cara's resemblance to a two-hundred-year-old Italian portrait puts her in danger, as two worlds collide and she is forced into marriage by the purchaser of the portrait - the notorious Garth Stevens, owner of the wealthiest river mansion outside Char...