Twelve-year-old Quentin's friendship with an old hermit called Augustus Nevermind, who lives in a hole in the rocks and teaches him how to fish, helps him in his relationships with his friend Marion, the school bullies, and even his over-protective w...
Sebastian inherits a homing pigeon pair from an old man who goes into a retirement village. He learns to care for them and train them and clings to a dream of racing them and winning a trophy. Through his interest in the birds, Seb forgets to be lone...
After leaving the protection of his cage, Magnus the pet mouse finds himself alone in the cold and lonely world where he is soon on the run with a wild mouse who teaches him about avoiding traps and finding shelter. Original....
Francesca has lived in Kununurra all her life and all she had ever wanted is a horse of her own. When her grandfather retires and brings home the Judas donkey it feels like a cruel substitute for her dream. But it is hard not to love the steadfast Ju...
When young Carrie sees Drusilla, she has to have her. But how do you care for a duckling? Carrie quickly learns the dos and don'ts of duck rearing: lots of exercise, a place to swim, and no bubblegum! Soon Drusilla is full-grown and part of the f...
"Eliza worries what will become of her pet goat, Gerda."
Gerda is always getting into scrapes. She causes more trouble than three sheep, five hens, and Eliza's little brother put together. Gerda chews through trees until their trunks stand li...
Gracie's simple life on St. Helena dramatically changes when Napoleon Bonaparte is brought to the island as a prisoner.
As long as Gracie could remember, she had been told stories of Napoleon Bonaparte, who would stop at nothing to rule t...
Toby is eleven and small for his age. Both he and his horse-mad friend Maddy are enthralled when his grandpa comes to stay because Grandpa, as a kid, used to hang out at the stables of the great Phar Lap! When Grandpa tells him the thrilling story of...
When Anke launches her green balloon with an envelope of seeds attachedĀ -- and Freddie sends her a letter telling her he found itĀ -- the city girl and country boy form an unlikely friendship that changes their lives and transforms the bare hills of...
Scamper and Scurry"Now tell me what you're looking for." Magnus edged closer, till his coat brushed against Mem's." you think, somewhere, there are others like us?"Magnus and the mice have a cozy home in the stable loft. But Magnus's whiskers ...