Larsen stretches conventional fiction's reach with this story of a character whose childhood and coming-of-age consist of his gradual internalizing of history-as he puts it, his coming to understand "the mysteries of space and time." At first, he see...
More than a century has passed since the collapse and extinction of the American Nation, that massive and unprecedented catastrophe brought about equally by arsonists' flames and by massive, long-term, internal decay. As everyone knows, the full hist...
Can words, poems, books-if used correctly-save the American republic? If you ask the gifted, beautiful Eveline Stahl, the answer is yes, absolutely. For Eveline, literature and words not only connect all things to one another, but they create invisib...
If literary fiction exists in order to look under the surface of life and tell the truth about what it finds there-then the stories in Eternal Damnation do an extraordinary job.These stories are quiet and thoughtful, their voices refusing to be made ...