Soviet scientists discover the secret of a mysterious explosion that leveled a remote section of Siberia in 1889 and now intend to use their discovery to destroy the United States by identical, seemingly natural causes...
On the Saturnian moon Rhea, Derek Kuroda unearths two enigmatic objects of immense power. He joins forces with a genius inventor hoping to use the objects for space exploration, but others are intent on using the artifacts for more sinister purpos...
Have we got a planet for you. And don't worry: nothing native to Delta Pavonis is likely to hurt you; humans are too alien to be tasty. At least that's what they said during orientation. Dierdre Jamail isn't quite sure she believes them -- she's neve...
An alien scientist asks to join Captain Kathryn Janeway and her crew in the investigation of an unprecedented scientific find. Soon U.S.S. Voyager is embroiled in a battle of wills among several alien races -- each intent on manipulating the discover...
Eric Kotani is a pen name used by a world-class astrophysicist. He was the head of the astrophysics laboratory at the Johnson Space Center during the Apollo and Skylab missions and has since served as director of a NASA satellite observatory for 1...