Fiction. Winner of the 2012 Independent Publisher Book Award (IPPY) Gold Medal for Best Fiction from the U.S. Mid-Atlantic Region. This novel-in-stories follows a diverse group of passengers on a train from Baltimore to Chicago, revealing the secrets...
Penny is reluctant to tell her husband, Jack, that she's pregnant. With dead-end jobs and unfulfilled lives, she believes that they're not ready to support a child. When Jack finds out the truth about their child's conception, Penny must reevaluat...
The loner who collects unusual things. The private reserve of exotic pets released into a rural Ohio community. The estranged wife who loves the animals like family. The caretaker who knows the beasts are dangerous. The neighbors and locals who fa...
The Color of Jadeite is a literary thriller full of intrigue, romance, treacherous villains, alluring clues, narrow escapes, and surprises around every corner. Clive Allan, a suave private eye, ventures throughout China in search of an ancient jad...
Stuart believes romantic love is like the cycle of a cicada: a few months of excited buzz -- romance, lust, excitement -- followed by a monotonous silence that can’t live up to the promise at the start. He strings together more than broken relatio...
Stuart believes romantic love is like the cycle of a cicada: a few months of excited buzz-romance, lust, excitement-followed by a monotonous silence that can't live up to the promise at the start. He strings together more than broken relationships, s...