Join new author Ellen Alexander as she takes you along on a thrilling adventure where wits and courage are a must. The Secret of Dinswood tells the story of Emma Higsby, a young girl who lost her mother when she was five. Largely ignored by her fathe...
Abandoned by her husband to raise three children, Letty Lear becomes a real estate developer. Trouble comes when her son diverts her business funds to his own purposes. A riveting update of Shakespeare’s timeless play to contemporary New York City....
It seemed like an impossible task but the instructions left no doubt—find the Missing Mortals or someone will die.Emma and the gang are back in their next adventure at Dinswood Academy and must search for a group of missing statues to solve an ...
Emma's excitement for freshman year quickly wanes when she discovers Doug has a new girlfriend. Although heartbroken, she's determined to throw herself into school activities, and she decides to go out for cheerleading. When she begins to witness str...
Just because the gangs away on summer vacation, doesn't mean the mystery solving stops...It's the end of Emma's sophomore year at Dinswood Academy, and that means only one thing: summer vacation! Glamping sounds exciting and Emma can't wait to join M...
On the distant crimson plains of Mars, a discovery awaits that will rewrite history. Ellen and her team, handpicked for a mission beyond Earth's boundaries, find themselves tracing the remnants of a forgotten civilization. But this is no ordinary sci...