Witnessing strange and unexplainable changes in her once-familiar Montreal home, Catherine Rhymer fears for her sanity until the arrest of two students puts her on the trail of a secret revolutionary movement. Now Catherine must embark on a voyag...
Over six years in the making, this massive volume brings together the best speculative fiction from Quebec's premiere authors over the last twenty years. Superbly translated into English to reach new readers, TesseractsQ, includes writing by auth...
A future society, where women far outnumber men, has abandoned the models of patriarchy and matriarchy and established new gender roles. But Lisbei, a young thinker whose gift is exploring the past, confronts the new establishment in order to for...
This collection of short stories by Elisabeth Vonarburg presents works of vivid imagery and emotional intensity, set in the same future as the award winning novels The Silent City and The Maerlande Chronicles.
...Over six years in the making, this massive volume brings together the best speculative fiction from Quebec's premiere authors over the last twenty years. Superbly translated into English to reach new readers, Tesseracts Q, includes writing by aut...
As the twin planets of Altair eclipse each other, a mysterious blue Sea rises up from the darkness, killing most of the Earth colonists who have settled the strange new world. In the devastating aftermath, the survivors must make a new life amid ...
A Game of Perfection is the English translation of the long awaited second volume of Elisabeth Vonarburg's Tyranael series.
Book One, Dreams of the Sea (which was nominated for several awards including ForeWord Magazine's coveted Book of the Ye...
Built as a refuge from a war-ravaged world outside, THE SILENT CITY is the final stronghold of science and knowledge. A self-perpetuating technology maintains the City in which only a handful of humans survive, despite rejuvenation treatments and cyb...