A magnificent debut novel, which follows in the spirit of Conrad's Heart of Darkness, in which an alienated student named Lopez joins the Vietnam war to escape from his past and himself. Forced out of self-pity by the brutality and injustice surround...
London, 1956. A generation of British spies are haunted by the ghosts of friends turned traitor. Henry Bone, a mandarin spymaster, learns that Butterfly is the holy grail of Cold War intellignce. In reality, he is an aristocratic pervert whose politi...
The Sibyls Mistake recounts the summer adventures of several sets of American visitors to southern Italy. Frank Bones, at the beginning of a one-year sabbatical from the University of California at Berkley, has come to Naples to bask in the beautiful...
Spawned in the bleak poverty of an East Anglian fishing port, Catesby is a spy with a big anti-establishment chip on his shoulder. He loves his country, but despises the class who run it. Loathed by the Americans and trusted by the Russians, Catesby ...
A captivating spy thriller taking the reader from 60s sex scandals to the Vietnam War, by a former special forces officer who is 'poised to inherit the mantle of John le Carre''The thinking person's John le Carré' Tribune 'Edward Wilson seems poised...
A gripping espionage thriller about an establishment plot to take control of 1970s Britain, by a writer who is 'poised to inherit the mantle of John le Carre''The thinking person's John le Carré' Tribune 'Edward Wilson seems poised to inherit the ma...
It is 1982 and the British prime minister and the Argentine president are both clinging to power. Downing Street, having ignored alarm bells coming from the South Atlantic, finds itself in a full-blown crisis when Argentina invades the remote and fo...
In 1941, a teenage William Catesby is offered a place at the University of Cambridge, but decides to turn it down in favour of joining the army and supporting the war effort. In 2014, now in his nineties, Catesby recounts his story to his granddaught...
A unique life story captured in watercoloursIn sorrow and joy, good times and bad, Australia Felix is the fish-out-of-water story of one London man's attempt to live the Great Australian Dream in early colonial Melbourne.In a a series of quirky and h...