One Dragon Egg Holds the Key to the Future. Once a slave, Kale is given the unexpected opportunity to become a servant to Paladin. Yet this young girl has much to learn about the difference between slavery and service. A Desperate Search Begin...
A New Quest Begins A dragonkeeper of Paladin, Kale is summoned from the Hall to The Bogs by the Wizard Fenworth to serve as his apprentice and tend his newly hatched meech dragon, Regidor. But Kale isn't going alone. The Hall is sending a student ...
Trapped in an evil spell... can the knights of Paladin be rescued? Before vowing his allegiance to Wulder as a knight, Bardon heads to the mountains for solitude. His life is suddenly complicated by a woman and her granddaughter, N'Rae, on a missi...
Three years of strife have passed since Kale and Bardon freed Paladin's knights. Now, fiery dragons scorch their beautiful countryside as an evil husband-and-wife wizard duo battle one another for supremacy. The people of Amara just want to be left a...
The fantastic land of Amara is recovering from years of war inflicted on its citizens by outside forces -- as well as from the spiritual apathy corroding the Amarans' hearts. With Kale and her father serving as dragon keepers for Paladin, the dragon ...
Donita K. Paul's 250,000-plus-selling DragonKeeper Chronicles series has attracted a wide spectrum of dedicated fans -- and they're sure to fall in love with the new characters and adventures in her latest superbly crafted fiction novel for all ages....
War threatens the peaceful land of Chiril... can one painter-turned-reluctant-swordsman really help? With an invasion of her country imminent, Tipper Schope is drawn into a mission to keep three important statues from falling into the enemy's clu...
Can mysterious matchmaking booksellers bring two lonely hearts together in time for Christmas? In a sleepy, snow-covered city, Cora Crowder is busy preparing for the holiday season. Searching for a perfect gift, a fortuitous trip to Warner, Werner, ...
Before DragonSpell, on a different continent and a different time, a young emerlindian's desperate decision threatens to disrupt the foundation of the world. Tipper has been caring for her family's estate for years now, ever since her father disa...
Trapped in a forgotten city, bound by secrets, Ellie and Bealomondore must enlist the dragons of the watch to find freedom. Ellie knows exactly where she is going. She just wants to experience the pomp and circumstance of a royal wedding, then set...
Cantor D’Ahma waited his whole life for this day. Born with a gift to jump between worlds, the young realm walker is finally ready to leave his elderly mentor and accept his role as protector and defender of the realms. But mere hours after he step...
In book two of the Realm Walkers Series, Cantor, Bixby, and Dukmee must band together to find the storied realm walker Chomountain after the devastating attack by the corrupt Realm Walkers Guild. But what they discover while traveling turns their mis...
In the third and final Realm Walkers novel by bestselling author Donita K. Paul, Cantor, Dukmee, and Bixby face their greatest challenge yet: rescuing the nine realms from the tyranny of Errd Tos, whose influence over the Realm Walkers Guild has grow...
"A bouquet of brides is picked for love. Meet seven American women who were named for various flowers but struggle to bloom where God planted them. Can love help them grow to their full potential? Holly and Ivy by Mary Davis (1890, Washi...