After receiving a football scholarship from a major university, smart, talented C. P. Mackay finds himself at the mercy of a coach who wants to win at all costs, a cynical professor, some strange roommates, and university president with a less-than-e...
In the 1950s, young Jimmy Gill becomes mesmerized by his mother's radio and the wonderful sounds it produces, later growing up to become a successful media mogul, but as his life is soured by greed, he reaches back to his regional radio roots for sup...
Joe Proudfoot is a truck driver and a Cherokee Indian, and he is in one big hurry to get back home. His family is falling apart and he has to get back to Oklahoma to try to put his life back together again. However, he encounters a strange series of ...
Amateur or ham radio is more alive, more vibrant, more exciting and magical than ever. Now award-winning and best-selling author Don Keith, who is an active and enthusiastic amateur radio operator, spins a series of tales that show exactly what this ...
At the precipice of international conflict, the fate of the Mediterranean’s “Cradle of Civilization” hangs by a thread. America’s forces sailing out of Gibraltar are its last hope.In the wake of Muammar Gaddafi's demise, the M...
A historical saga of courage, sacrifice, and the unbreakable bonds of friendship. With the specter of the Great Depression behind him and the horrors of Nazi-occupied Europe ahead, Edward Hume leaves his Pennsylvania coal mining town to volunteer as ...