Set against the tumultuous backdrop of the mid-1960s, a powerful novel follows fourteen-year-old Francie Grove as she delves into the mystery surrounding her mother's supposed accidental death and breaks racial barriers by befriending a black girl na...
It's the summer before Lucy's senior year in high school, and life in her sleepy Louisiana town is about to be turned upside down. Her mama's flirting with the dark stranger who runs the art gallery, her best friends Mary Jordan and Evie have boys on...
Seventeen-year-old Genesis's father ventures out on a lake in Northern Maine for one last catch of the season-and never returns. As the lake freezes over, so, too, do the lives and hopes of her family. Because with no body, and no hope of finding...
In captivating prose, Diane Les Becquets tells the story of one woman missing in the Colorado wilderness and another bent on discovering the missing woman’s whereabouts, in an unforgettably moving and thrilling literary debut. It is the last we...
From the national bestselling author of Breaking Wild, here is a riveting and powerful thriller about a woman whose greatest threat could be the man she loves.… Marian Engström has found her true calling: working with rescue dogs to help protec...