The year 1900 reveals an energized and changing America. Lake Tahoe mountain man, Wig Blackhammer, bears the physical and emotional scars of fighting that change. Although renowned as "The Legend" his wastrel existence of drinking, gambling, and perf...
The year 1900 reveals an energized and changing America. Lake Tahoe mountain man, Wig Blackhammer, bears the physical and emotional scars of fighting that change. Although renowned as "The Legend" his wastrel existence of drinking, gambling, and perf...
Tahoe Citys new mayor, Wig Blackhammer, is known around Lake Tahoe as The Legend in the year 1901, but his struggle with drug addiction threatens his fight to save the lake from men that would divert its water to San Francisco. Wigs recent marriage...
Clifton Brakemeyer fishes the Sacramento Delta’s Snodgrass Slough one warm summer morning. He snags his line on something large and drifting. He dives in the murky slough and brings a trussed body to the surface. The body is an old friend from high...
Lake Tahoe in the year 1900, harbored a legend. The man called Wig Blackhammer found himself torn between his European and Native American heritage, new industrialized nation, and a woman doctor. The adventures the mountain man and lady doctor experi...