Winner of The Flannery O'Connor Award, this critically acclaimed debut collection features ten stories set in the plains of the Midwest and the honky-tonks of the South. This is a world where happiness is half heartache, dreams dwindle, and infidelit...
In the lavishly acclaimed collection of short stories A Wild, Cold State, Flannery O'Connor Award -- winning author Debra Monroe takes us into the lives of women striving for love and emotional fulfillment amidst a forbidding topography of glacial wi...
In this debut novel by the author of "A Wild, Cold State", a woman tries to transcend her disconnected, interrupted past. Maidie Bonasso is a woman accustomed to moving--from state to state, job to job, one circle of intimates to another. When Maidie...
From award-winning writer Debra Monroe comes a funny and poignant story of a woman's quest to find a physical and emotional home. Maddie, a refugee from two marriages, wanders from place to place seeking new options and new connections. She eventual...