This thriller is about an attempt to assassinate Saddam Hussein. A businessman approaches an ex-military figure, asking him to organize such an attempt: it becomes clear to the latter that the move is government-sponsored in some way....
A state-of-the-art computerized killing machine bids to destroy world peace. Ed Howard discovers that he is confronting the world's most effective mercenary force, the East German Stasi, with the team he led into and out of Iraq, augmented by a femal...
The world was a planet of union, when dolphin and man communicated, held by a common bond--the Great Compact of Life. When the dolphins sang their hypnotic music, beings of the sea and beings of the land united in ecstatic celebration, renewing the C...
1999 Wildside Press trade paperback,"Classics of Fantasy & Science Fiction", David Mason. destined Prince of Dorada, wanted only to sail his alien white ship across the seas of the world in search of adventure....
Beyond the Known Lands lay terror. It was strange country, that across the western seas, and sensible men would avoid it as tough the waters of the seas themselves were bearers of the plague.But Owen of Marrdale was not an ordinary man...nor even an ...
On rainy, wind-tossed Galveston Isle, a young man struggles with his beautiful girlfriend, his future and his life here and now. Working in a beach front knick-knack shop and too poor to go to college, he sees more of life along the beach than he eve...
Following on from 'Rambusco' this is about Drangora and their son, Codragore. She designs jewellery for local inhabitants. One day she discovers that someone is copying her styles. We all know what's going to happen to them...
How to hypnotize anyone. Easy hypnosis scripts - just follow the instructions to become a master hypnotist. 64 powerful scripts from beginner to expert. These classic and advanced scripts Include the Elman induction, Erickson Handshake induction, Pro...
Two bored youngsters decide to investigate an old shop. Not just any old shop, a curious shop with some very curious and unusual people. Here you can free your imagination and take yourself to another world. It does not have to be inhabited by monste...
Import and export, working on the edge of legality, that's what Vic did best. He was able to help a friend working in a Government department, giving info. about an illegal import. He was then offered expences to do something similar in the M...
This unusual tale is about a pair of very unusual youngsters. They have strange pets and, without any effort at all, find themselves in the most peculiar circumstances.A visit to new york finds them in trouble before they even get there! Even camping...
From the rooftops of Castle Wyrm, to deep inside the Elven Lands, Keera and Merick only have the light from an enchanted sword to guide them to a friend in peril.
Old friends and new allies bolster their cause, but even this may not be enough as...
Keera was driven by hate. Hate for the Orc Shaman who was responsible for her mother's death.
She had been flying for most of the day, and now, as the sun started to sink lower in the sky, she was in danger of losing his trail.
Back on ...
With the aid of a mysterious Valkari girl, and with time against them, Merick and Wind Runner must race across the land to rescue Keera from Vorlav Prison, before the minions of dark magic reach her first. Constant running battles with Orc Slavers a...
A plague is ravaging the land. Sweeping down from the Barbarian Wastelands, its victims succumb quickly and die in agony - only to rise again from their graves and spread the cursed pestilence further. Tasked with searching for the missing witch Sar...
"Children of all ages will delight in its song and story." Charles Martin, author of "Signs & Wonders"
"Davey McGravy, Davey McGravy, a name to conjure with, to dream with by the cedar treesout in the rainy woods."
In a misty, faraway-feeling ...
This collection of literature attempts to compile many of the classic works that have stood the test of time and offer them at a reduced, affordable price, in an attractive volume so that everyone can enjoy them....
A severed hand holds a deadly secret. A secret that has lain hidden by mythical magic for over a thousand summers, and will lead Keera and Merick to where Valkari fear to fly. With whispers of war echoing around the passageways of Vorlav, an old en...
A collection of interesting short stories for youngsters with a sense of humour. Just the right length, nobody will become bored when reading any of this variety of stories. Perfect for holidays and bedtime reading....
An Interesting collection of short stories, poems and a short play or two. The perfect book for journeys, use it to clear your mind, relax over a coffee, your comfortable bedside companion. You don't even have to remember wher you are up to!...
With the Horns of War calling troops both dead and alive to battle, Keera and Merick must return to where their adventures first began, where veild behind a mask of dark magic and driven by an unquenchable thirst for revenge, the blackest of mages pl...
Beyond the Red River lies the forbidden realm of the Faye. A realm steeped in fable and myth, for to even own its map is punishable by death. On the wrong side of the river Keera is the first Valkari to step there in a thousand years, and with Merick...