The bizarre murder of a young history student at Yale leads English professor Kevin Randall on a vengeful quest for the killer, an evil monster responsible for the brutal killing of Randall's wife two years earlier...
A connection between his father's mysterious death and a samurai-style murder in Los Angeles sends FBI agent Jack Graham to the land of the rising sun to uncover a high-stakes East-West corporate conspiracy. Original....
When John Rodgers discovers a new species of butterfly, the government shuts down his town's primary employer, its lumber mill, and John must decide between his town and his disappointed dying father and the splendid, rare creature called Rodgers Cal...
Chosen to be part of the American "Teen Dream Team" basketball players who are to compete in Europe, Jimmy Doyle and his teammates find their ambitions of becoming world champions shattered when they encounter neo-Nazi threats....
High-school senior Liz Wheaton lands a big movie role and discovers the glamour and darker side of Hollywood, where everyone she meets is playing a part. By the author of
"What effect does [the climate of censorship] have on a writer?....It's chilling. It's easy to become discouraged, to second-guess everything you write. There seemed to be no one to stand up to the I began to speak out about my experie...
What makes an average American high school suddenly become violent?As Joe Brickman heads into the fall of his senior year, he's looking forward to the soccer season, when he will captain the Lawndale team. And surely this will be the year when he and...
I don't know if you've ever held a secret so powerful that it could make someone you love stop caring for you in the blink of an eye. If you ever find yourself in possession of such a secret, you might be braver or more honest than I was. You mig...
You think you know John? Well, let's see . . . What bathroom fixture did his father have in mind at his birth? What amphibian plagues John in band? Does algebra have a use, besides torture? Who or what is Lashasa Palulu? Who is Glory Hallelujah? W...
Ketchvar III travels to Earth to inhabit the body of an average teenager and assess the damage humans have done to their planet. But even his highly advanced alien intelligence can't prepare him for life as an American teen....
Kendall is football town, and Jerry Downing is the high school's star quarterback, working to redeem himself after he nearly killed a girl in a drunk driving accident last year. Carla Jenson, lead reporter for the school newspaper's sports section, h...
Freshman Daniel Pratzer gets a chance to prove himself when the chess team invites him and his father to a weekend-long parent-child tournament. Daniel, thinking that his father is a novice, can’t understand why his teammates want so badly for them...
In this table-turning novel about the thrill of defeat and the agony of victory, the new rule at Jack Logan's sports-crazy New Jersey high school is that all kids must play on a team. So Jack and a ragtag group of anti-athletic friends decide to get ...
In this explosive thriller, a fiendishly clever serial bomber and self-styled "eco-terrorist" hits targets across America--and a conflicted young FBI agent may be the only person possessing the unique skills needed to catch him.“A provocative, impo...