A courtroom crime drama on a par with Robert Traver’s Anatomy of a Murder. A young, highly acclaimed film actress is on trial for allegedly murdering Marc Sterne, the son of a Hollywood studio mogul, Julio Sterne. The evidence against her is mainly...
Thomas Courmaine, a geneticist and a card-carrying idealist, is banished to Africa; this, for his own well-being. There, he is intrigued by age-old bush medicine, and his stars are about to shine when he stumbles upon the long-sought solution to the ...
STORY NOTES for VOLUME IIIt hasn’t taken long for the rainmakers of Big Pharma to figure out that this idealistic loner, this errant geneticist, Dillon, who’s been run out of his Church, could be on to something that poses a major threat to them ...
STORY NOTES for VOLUME IIINo stranger to trouble, is he? His relationship with Jaggy is regrettably at the point of “pistols at dawn”. Added to the perplexities and turmoil, he’s about to become a father. Or is he? Will the main struggle over t...