The first story of the Junior Explorers Society Jeff Bains, boy genius whose passion for inventing could just as easily blow up his lab Rachelle, Jeff's best friend. She provides the common sense that he lacks Bret, football star. His physical streng...
Second of the original trilogy describing the wonderful adventures about The Junior Explorers Society and continues where Time Trippers concluded. The members include: Jeff Bains, boy genius. Rachelle, Jeff's best friend. She provides the common sens...
Second of the original trilogy describing the wonderful adventures about The Junior Explorers Society and continues where Time Trippers concluded. The members include: Jeff Bains, boy genius. Rachelle, Jeff's best friend. She provides the common se...
This is the third installment of the wonderful in the original trilogy of The Junior Explorers Society and continues where The Loch Ness Monster Incident concludes. The members include: Jeff Bains, boy genius. Rachelle, Jeff's best friend. She ...
The first story of the Junior Explorers Society Jeff Bains, boy genius whose passion for inventing could just as easily blow up his lab Rachelle, Jeff's best friend. She provides the common sense that he lacks Bret, football star. His physical s...