In the second installment of Feather and Bone: The Crow Chronicles, a mysterious plague hits the Kinaar family. Crows lie dead all around the Gathering Tree and the terrified survivors scatter. Sick and alone, Kyp knows only that he must find Kym, wh...
In 1976, Ben Martini was diagnosed with schizophrenia. A decade later, his brother Olivier was told he had the same disease. For the past thirty years the Martini family has struggled to comprehend and cope with a devastating illness, frustrated by a...
The Greek Playwright outlines the major playwrights of the ancient Greek era, their major plays, and the impact they had on our modern understanding of drama. Clem Martini weaves his direct, informative, and entertaining style through centuries of...
Titus Maccius Plautus' career is on the decline. Once renound for bringing Greek comedies to the Roman world, now he struggles to stage a single play. Unlucky with money and unlucky in love, Plautus faces the world with wry dignity. This could...