One of Texas's most celebrated novelists creates a story filled with all the passions and struggles of the people who forged a new country. Set in the vast grasslands of Texas just after the Civil War, Franklin's Crossing follows former slave and sea...
In a chilling mixture of the nostalgic and the supernatural, Clay Reynolds adds to his Sandhill Chronicles this story of Faustian bargains, drag racing, old-time rock and roll, and a sister's love for a brother who dies tragically young. Sherry Littl...
In the caveat to this irreverent and hilarious satire, Clay Reynolds writes, “No poet writing today could be this lucky, this tragic, this infamous. Indeed, it wouldn’t be tolerated.” No, one will have to admit, it wouldn’t. Offered in the sa...
These fourteen personal essays by one of Texas' most prolific authors are in turn humorous, literary, informative, nostalgic and all-around enjoyable to read. Written at various periods in his life, they invite us to come to know a man who not only r...
Sandhill County―Clay Reynolds’s Yoknapatawpha―is the setting for all nine stories in this collection. Reynolds sees his stories as reflective fragments, “the kind one notices when driving through a county in North Central Texas―old building...
A nameless and sometimes hapless narrator moves through a series of casual encounters, mostly in the Southwest, with total strangers, average people going about day-to-day, often mundane activities, but taking time to reveal to him, unp...