Abandoned by her family, Tysan works as a waitress in a cheap diner. One cold evening, a beguiling, rugged young man barges into her life. He possesses the remarkable ability to take photographs of events that have not yet happened. Ty narrowly avoid...
Set in the Rockies during a forbidding winter, this romantic thriller takes place on a snowy mountaintop. During a blizzard, Andrew's dog, Shadow, finds Destiny-a beautiful woman left for dead, but very much alive. This irresistible woman not only br...
Chasing the DreamBook Three: Gisela CraigSynopsisUpon the impassioned request of her dear friend, Annabel Coleman, scheduled to become a mail order bride, Gisela Craig had reluctantly switched identities on their trek west from South Carolina to Colo...
Chasing the DreamIsadora SingerIsadora Singer is not your typical Mail Order Bride. With her unfashionable style, her complexion too pale and her eyes too ice-blue, and her almost scrawny frame shoved into unflattering garments, she is hardly the pic...
Chasing the Dream: Annabel ColemanBook 2In some parts of the Deep South, a full economic recovery has not yet occurred even fifteen years after the end of the War Between the States.Thus, Annabel Coleman has been shipped off by her father to marry a ...