This is an epic story in which the Justice League is divided against itself in a heartbreaking battle to the death. An ancient, evil dragon awakens from his subterranean slumber once again to menace a world that's forgotten that such monsters of flam...
Faith Conquers, the first in the series of Iron Empires collections from Dark Horse, kicks off the release of the highly anticipated Iron Empires role-playing game and will be followed by a second trade paperback, Sheva's War, as well as an ongoing s...
The Iron Empires: Eight weary nations, spanning three million light years of the Milky Way Galaxy. They are the withering remains of a human civilization once immeasurably vast. Their dying has not been quiet. Sheva's War, the second in the series of...
Two Justice League epics written and fully painted by Christopher Moeller are collected in a single volume for the first time. First, in the story "A League of One," Wonder Woman hears a prophecy that her Justice League teammates will die in battle a...