In a Universe of infinite space, A girl travels by raft amongst the stars. Star Sailor is a series of episodic short stories about a girl named Najima Dezetoiles, and her travels by raft throughout a galaxy once rocked by a terrible war.In this episo...
In a Universe of infinite space, a girl travels by raft amongst the stars. Star Sailor is a series of episodic short stories about a girl named Najima Dezetoiles, and her travels by raft throughout a galaxy once rocked by a terrible war. In this epis...
Star Sailor is a series of episodic novellas about a girl named Najima Dezetoiles, and her travels by raft throughout a galaxy once rocked by a terrible war, as she searches for something she lost. In this episode, Najima crash lands on a the lush, r...
WARNING: May Contain Werewolves.
A pyramid predating all known cultures appears without warning. Its discovery throws into question everything we know about the origins of mankind.
Inside lies incredible technology, proof of a culture ...
"There is a voice in my head, slithering through my mind like a serpent. It whispers dark things. Tells me to feed." -Osiris, Egyptian Lord of the Underworld.Were the Egyptian gods fanciful imaginings of primitive people, or something more? Some beli...
The sun has wiped out nearly all technology in the largest coronal mass ejection in history. In its wake comes the zombie apocalypse. The dead have risen, and they are hungry. Yet there are greater threats than the walking dead. The deathless have re...
The world is without power. The dead rule. Yet only now does the true struggle begin. Osiris, Ra and Isis each jockey for position, fighting a war as old as mankind. Steve and Irakesh escape the Ark of the Redwood, but Trevor and Jordan are dispatche...
Set has been vanquished, but victory demanded a bitter price. The First Ark's detonation flung the new Ark Lords five years into the future. They emerge into a world ruled by deathless, demons, and old things that have awoken from the sleep of ages. ...
A brand new adventure in the Void Wraith universe
Mechs, kaiju, epic space battles, and galactic archeology…
The Void Wraith ravaged our galaxy, nearly eradicating both humanity and our enemies, the Tigris. Captain Nolan vowed it w...
Mankind drove back the Imperium at Ganog 7, but it was a pyrrhic victory. Their fleets are shattered, and it will take months to rebuild-- time they do not have.
Nolan and T’kon are sent to the Azi home world. Their orders -- trick the A...
Imperalis has been lost. The Nameless Ones have returned. The Coalition refuses to fight, leaving the Ganog to wage a war they cannot win.
Betrayed and cut off, Khar and Zakanna struggle to survive. Nolan and Burke bring Alpha Company to r...
The Eradication Has Begun
The Eradication has finally begun, and there is little hope of victory. Mankind's fleets are devastated. Their Tigris allies have lost their homeworld, and only a few Primo survive. They need allies, but few are l...
Tainted Victory
Captain Nolan destroyed the Void Wraith factory and the fleet guarding it, but every victory comes with a price. The destruction of the Helios Gate in the Ghantan system stranded Nolan and his crew months from the closest Ga...
Starships. Dragons. Magic. Heroes. Tales from the Void includes ten stories from the furthest reaches of space, each combining fantasy and science fiction to create something entirely new. Heroes Pillaging magic from dead gods, dragons battling stars...
How does a 1-hit-point goblin become the Dark Lord?By accident. Bert is a tiny goblin with big dreams. He follows adventurers, and loots the copper they leave behind when they take the real loot. One day, Bert hopes, he'll have enough copper to buy a...
How Does a 1 Hit Point Dark Lord Save the Real World?Kit and her friends are gamers, but not the ordinary kind. It seems that Track Jick was right, and that people who play roleplaying games really are wizards and witches. Kit's game master uses a ma...
Condemned to Die Upon the SandsI have been sentenced to death for the crime of being born. Of winning the Hasran's war for them. But my death has purchased the freedom of my people, and so I go to it gladly, ready for whatever final torture they migh...
A Desert of Living DeathFour centuries ago the Stewards rained ash on the heartland of an empire for a year and a day, murdering the Elentian Empire and orphaning the Hasran Imperium where I was born.The stories say the ash drains magic and that any ...
The War Is Over. We Lost The war in Hasra is over. A monstrous puppet sits upon the throne. Valys has fallen, and the Praetor rots in prison while his daughter remains a public hostage. Calmora is under Khonsu's rule, the dragonflight's plaything. Wo...
Our Sector is GoneWe've discovered Terra, but the cost is bitter. All that remains is the Vagrant Fleet, carrying the refugees from every world.Earth is our only hope, but their leaders don't even believe in magic. We also have to convince the earth ...
Captain James Hillsdon, an Iraq War veteran, is scarred by his tours of duty. Desperate for solace, he travels up the course of the River Nile in an act of soul-searching. When he reaches the city of Khartoum, Sudan, he makes a discovery that places ...
Reality is a coin, and you've only seen one side.Trapped by an act of betrayal and sabotage, the mind of neuroscientist Aida Doxiphus is locked in an alternate view of reality where the future can be easily predicted—a view that the profiteeri...
LUCI - short for Light Ultra Chip Intelligence. LUCI - a strike fighter for the 21st century, invisible in the 400 to 700 spectrum of human vision. LUCI - interactive with each individual pilot, programmed to override and correct human error. ...