Erin and Sean, fourteen-year-old twins whose combined psychic abilities can force a guided missile off target, fight to reach an international ESP conference before government secret agents can capture them...
Chester Aaron has successfully wedded the tall tale to modern realism in an entertaining collection of novellas, which, together, tell the unforgettable life story of Ben Kahn. The reader of this marvelous novel gets to know a remarkable man, a man w...
Strange changes begin for twelve-year-old Marian as she starts to understand a secret her mother and her grandmother already know. Why don't they tell her?
And how a couple of years later, can Marian, who has never had a swimming lesson,...
Willa's fondest dream is to own a bloodhound, and she wants it badly enough she's even willing to get A's in school to get it. When Poppy enters her world on Willa's twelfth birthday, it seems as if she's died and gone to heaven. True to her word, sh...
Fiction. SYPTOMS OF TERMINAL PASSION is a wise and graceful collection of seven short stories of love from the Northern California-based Aaron."I did not want these stories to end. I wish the collection were a long novel that I could settle down to r...
Garlic Kisses is about farming, and it is about love.Thirteen stories describe the current phase of Chester Aaron?s life?he is a retired professor, an ongoing writer, a farmer?and how this life was shaped by his past (combat in WWII, 15 years of hosp...
Professor Forest Butler is shocked to learn Farleigh O’Brien is dead. O’Brien, an award-winning, nationally renowned poet, was the star of the English Department at St. Catherine’s University and seemed the last person to kill himself.
<...Fiction. "Chester Aaron's novel-in-stories, ABOUT THEM, published nearly 35 years ago, holds a unique and lasting place in the artistic annals of American boyhood. Through the account of young Benny Kahn we come to inhabit the Pennsylvania mining tow...
There had been warnings -- the never-ending rain, the slowly rising water -- yet when the river finally tears the old wooden house from its foundation and carries it on a perilous journey toward the sea, Albie is unprepared and alone. But he’s not ...
For 14-year-old Alex Kellar, the war can't be over soon enough. His beloved older brother Oliver is with the 101st Airborne, right in the heart of Nazi Germany's last-ditch battle for survival. That battle is about to come closer to home, beginning w...
Life is what happens. n a writing career spanning more than 60 years, Chester Aaron has written about war, peace and the pieces of our lives that reveal us at our most human. In this collection of his short stories, spanning those six decades from hi...