A New York Times Notable BookHere is the story of an all-Jewish basketball team traveling in a hearse through Depression-era America in search of redemption and big money. A hilarious road novel, The House of Moses All-Stars is also a passionate port...
In Barney Polan's Game, Charley Rosen takes on the legendary point-shaving scandals of 1950 and '51, when the best of the college basketball players took money from gamblers in return for affecting the outcomes of games, never knowing that in the pro...
Jason Lewis is a star college basketball player just back from World War II. He’s a hero, missing two fingers on his shooting hand. He can’t play any longer, so he makes the ultimate ballplayer’s sacrifice: he becomes a referee. Set in postwar ...
Brimming with truth, humor, and humanity, bestselling author Charley Rosen lays bare the trials and tribulations of anyone who loves sports for the game of it, not the business.Naturally sarcastic, a touch disillusioned, but always the idealist, Rob ...
Sammy Wong, All-American tells the tale of an Asian basketball player’s rise and stumble. American basketball may be among the most international of team sports, yet until recently Asians were unwelcome. On his high school, college, and professiona...
Charley Rosen is the co-author with Phil Jackson of Maverick (1975) and the New York Times bestseller More Than a Game (2001). As a player at Hunter College, Rosen set numerous scoring and rebounding records, and has subsequently coached several team...
Elliot Hersch is given a basketball on his tenth birthday and cuts a deal with his disapproving father: if he makes straight As, he is allowed to play. Modeling his game on the basketball heroes of his time--Clyde Frazier, Oscar Robertson, Magic John...