When her arranged marriage to Henry Cobb, an affluent widower twice her age, ends with his untimely death, Sarah Cobb turns to Henry's son William for emotional support, but their blossoming love is threatened by an agonizing Cobb family secret...
In nineteenth-century New York City, the five Ferguson children battle with their troubled, demanding father, and only after his death do they discover the haunting secret behind his bitter demeanor. By the author of
Maida Jardine, daughter of a New York banker, bored with the social scene of 1911, flees home to avoid an arranged marriage and finds danger, romance, and family secrets working on an orphan train and at the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory...
In 1850s New York, orphaned Emily Adair is adopted by a kind businessman, but the death of her new father threatens to keep her from her work and from the man she loves. By the author of
Set in turn-of-the-century New York and Newport, Rhode Island, Catherine Rae's novel Sunlight on a Broken Column blends romance and suspense in the story of two sisters who take different paths upon the loss of their family fortune. After Caroline Sl...
Just as Marike takes her first adult steps toward love and independence, her lover is called away to take up arms against the British. Soon she finds the blissful life she had envisioned for herself dashed and she must use her wits and inner strength...