Unjustly sent to prison by a corrupt and ambitious judge, Sam Larkin, a former Merchant Marine and Louisiana environmental officer, struggles to rebuild his life in Covington, South Carolina, only to stumble upon a dangerous conspiracy involving some...
Enigmatic Sam Larkin, a former environmental law-enforcement officer, ex-con, ex-teacher and artist is no stranger to violence. But now, after being calledunder false pretensesby Karen Chaney, a federal officer and Larkins sometimes...
Carolina Fire is a disturbing chronicle of murder and shame set in the lowcountry of South Carolina. The book is not a redneck, alcoholic wife-beating, mamma-got-run-over-by-a-pickup-truck southern novel, nor is it about money, politics or emerging g...
John Ryan Stone, ex-army officer, ex-teacher, ex-husband and wannabe songwriter has been pushing his music for three years with no success. Down and out, his luck changes when he is invited to audition his songs for Don Hendrickson, one ofNashville...
Artist, ex-con, former law enforcement officer, Sam Larkin, his friend Covington County Sheriff’s Detective, Campbell Gardner and DEA agent Karen Chaney, all of whom readers met in Smith’s previous books, are in contrast to the sylvan beauty of M...
A SEASON FOR KILLING is a character-driven suspense novel by Carl T. Smith (LOWCOUNTRY BOIL, CAROLINA FIRE and others) set in the Lowcountry of South Carolina amidst a labyrinth of corporate greed, murders for hire and corruption that threatens the v...