Author Information
Brian Williams's Latest Book

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  • Bibliography:
    30 Books
  • First Book:
    March 1989
  • Latest Book:
    May 2024
  • Author Rating:
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Book List in Order: 30 titles

  • An illustrated introduction to the world under the sea and the special diving machines that probe the ocean depths. Includes information on sea creatures and their different habitats, underwater labs, fishing techniques, and searching for sunken trea...

  • How does this novel expose the racism of the 1930s? How was life changing for women in the 1930s? How did the Great Depression influence John Steinbeck? Discover how the Great Depression inspired the story of two lonely drifters....

  • You can't judge a book by it's cover, you just can't. Here's the story of Aidan Lucas. He's just a simple, polite, handsome, and hard working accounting clerk. Stuck in a world of sleaze and exploitation, anguish and cruelty, when the objects of his ...

  • In Part Three of IN THE PAST we get to know the youngest of the Clark family- Mary Clark, and further explore the past of a serial killer. But just as you think you are finding out what details to how his story came to be written, you really have no ...

  • Dhaka 2.0 is the re-release of a cut chapter vignette from The Past Forward that focuses on a dream of a character that will have a great impact on the future of the whole Tin Universe. And it has new cover!!!...

  • School For The Blind 2.0 is the re-release of a cut chapter vignette from The Past Forward that focuses on a dream of a character at the beginning of her journey to becoming one of the greatest heroes of the Tin Universe. And it has new cover!!!...

  • Adult siblings Timothy and Rosita couldn’t possibly be more different. Timothy, the eldest of four, is a Holy Ghost filled believer whose daily walk with the Lord has grown to become naturally supernatural. By grace through faith, he operates...

  • Someone is zombifying athletes at Clear Cut High School in Utah. Lucky the school has its own young superhero in the person of Mildred Betbeze to try and figure out what's going on. Pep rallies, cheerleaders, new kids in the neighborhood are...

  • The second Tin Universe middle grade book bring Mildred and her friends a story where Sasha investigate strangers in town, Aisha is just happy someone else is dealing with sidekick leftover duties, and Mildred deals with Clear Cut wildlife going w...

  • Back in time before the dark ages, a farmer discovers a strange large egg, from which hatches an unusual green dragon.

    On it’s thirtieth birthday the dragon ventures off on a quest.

    During his travels he not only discovers giants, be...

  • In the scorching summer of 1976, Patrick leaves home, determined to escape from a family still reeling from the suffocating aftereffects of a terrible tragedy. Hoping to find peace of mind, love, and adventure, he heads to the brooding seaside resort...

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Brian Williams has published 30 books.

Brian Williams does not have a new book coming out soon. The latest book, Ladybird Summer, was published in May 2024.

The first book by Brian Williams, Under the Sea, was published in March 1989.

No. Brian Williams does not write books in series.