From extreme poverty in a gypsy camp, through a debilitating injury, Django Reinhardt overcame tremendous obstacles to become a world-renowned, much beloved and highly acclaimed jazz guitarist. This production captures the spirit of the man, his musi...
With a little help from a watering can, bright sunlight, and a lot of patience, two friends plant seeds in their community garden and watch how they grow. Slowly, the seeds turn into sprouts, which grow into stems, followed by leaves and buds! The ga...
In 9th century China, a little girl sends a small jade pebble to travel with her father along the Silk Road. The pebble passes from his hand all the way to the Republic of Venice, the end of the Silk Road, where a boy cherishes it and sees the value ...
A perfectly potent distillation of heart, humor, and hope. This intoxicating story sings on every page. -Tanya Lee Stone, NAACP Image Award Winner & Sibert MedalistSunshine Ervila Lee Walston may not know how to read, but she's darn good with her han...