Margaret Palmer returns to Climax, Virginia, a deceptively quiet country town where Southern charm hides long-buried secrets and evil lurks just beneath the surface of the daily routine. Frustrated and frightened, Margaret knows she will have to face...
New violence arrives to the town of Climax, lurking beneath the conventions and quirks of a down-home southern lifestyle. In the middle of the chaos, Sheriff’s assistant, Emily Franklin falls in love with newcomer Nick Troy and the two embark on a ...
A Briny Bay MysteryRoxie and Trixie Turner are shocked when they learn that severed male genitalia has been found around Briny Bay, especially since that’s the exact modus operandi of a serial killer caught in the area years ago. But when the rest ...
Roxie and Trixie go global, cruising their way into international murder, when Roxie, wounded by Greg’s inattention, drags her sister along on a five-day cruise to the Caribbean and Mexican ports of call. All she wants to do is leave her troubles b...
Nothing ever happens in Briny Bay... Just ask Trixie and Roxie. Never mind that the sisters are up to their Southern-fried elbows in sweet tea and corpses. Come see what the ladies are up to in: BURIED IN BRINY BAY THE MARRIAGE MURDERS THE SHADOW KNO...
Can two older, but wiser adults rekindle young love after more than thirty years? Or will a mysterious killer stop them dead in their tracks? Lindsay, “Lindy” Deane James, a forensic psychologist and widow of an ER physician, returns to her hom...
Being Wanted Can Mean More Than One Thing... It’s bad enough Win Gant can’t get her almost ex-husband, Sam, out of her mind, but why does a woman have to be after him at the same time Win gets a “Win or Die” letter? Besides, why did Win get t...