The star of television's
This is the story of an American family’s struggle to hold on to their lives and land. On a small island of courage and hope the fight is staged in a vast sea of adversities. This story has been told from generation to generation among the locals o...
"Come along It's a merry trip to colorful Polka-dot Village, where every bit of life from postmen to doors to cats is full of dots and spots. ""So many polka-dots, ev-er-y-where for eating, for reading, to ride or to wear ""...
A town covered in polka-dots provides the setting for this zany tale, where even the animals join in on the polka-dotted fun. This colorful village is home to dainty dots, silly spots, and the townspeople that love them. Polka-dots pop up in every as...
When Andi wakes up to a gloriously rainy day, she teams up with her friend Allie Ann to make the most of all the splashing, skipping, and sloshing to be found. This alliterative tale of two friends on a rainy-day adventure captures all the excitement...