In her first collection of short stories, celebrated spoken-word artist Beth Lisick evokes the rollicking world of post-boom America. An impoverished but proud office drone ("I am the reigning queen of the Toshiba BD copy machine") gets a makeover. A...
In this wholly unpredictable collection of tongue-in-chic short stories, NY Times bestselling author Beth Lisick casts a cool eye on the lost and living dead of offices, nightclubs, shopping malls, and rent-controlled apartments. Pretentious web des...
Each volume of The 826 Quarterly features cutting-edge writing by students in the 826 Valencia workshops, as well as budding talents from California and beyond. Printed in a hip pocket-friendly size, this edition features a different perspective on t...
Fiction. California Interest. In late '90s San Francisco, Edie Wunderlich was the It girl, on the covers of the city's alt-weeklies, repping the freak party scene on the eve of the first dot-com boom. Fast-forward twenty years, and Edie hasn't change...