When Jack Thorpe's world begins to nosedive, he seeks comfort in the kindness of friendsfriends whose appreciation of life barely manages to win out over their inability to deal with it.Jack loves his friends, he loves his wife and he loves his...
Dwayne Fuller is an aspiring comedian who gets up on the comedy stage night after night determined to make the audience laugh - whether they want to or not. He lives off pizza in his mother's basement with the door bolted and the phone off the hook. ...
A vision of contemporary America seen from the slightly skewed perspective of a character known only as Smith. Populated with characters Smith meets during his odyssey across the Nevada desert, this road trip eventually leads Smith to discover himsel...
Meet Buddy Monk, a barber, recently dropped by his social activist wife who has, for the last time, been deceived by her hypercompetitive husband’s attempts to win anything, anyhow, all rules be damned. She’s now trying her hand at waitressing, i...