An intricately emotional and erotic debut and a haunting foray into the deepest recesses of a sexual underworld, Stacking in Rivertown is a novel of love, pain, and redemption. Young, beautiful, and happily married, Beth is finally learning to relax...
Beautiful young Diana St. Aubin is at the mercy of Jared Talent, Earl of Burnleighand he has none. The seductively handsome earl has the power to send Diana to prison for a crime she did not commit unless she agrees to pose as his future bride....
Miss Jane Burch thought she was merely pursuing a harmless deception when she agreed to pose as the respectably aged and unattractive companion of her cousin, the beautiful and reckless Winnifred Timburton. But now Winnifred's new guardian, the daunt...
Kate had worshipped her foster brother, David, since she was a child. Now, he was returning from the Napoleonic War broken in body and spirit. Kate discovered she might be older, but she was no wiser, and she could not stop the transformation of chil...
Eden's quiet life on her parents' estate is interrupted by the advent of Seth, the adopted son and man of affairs of the Duke of Derwent. Until then Eden's mission in life was to protect her flighty, beautiful young sis...
Joey works at Cutie Pies, the smallest adult store in Sydney. After his parents kicked him out years ago, the haphazard shop became his home away from home and is the only place where he can embrace his queer, quirky, and -- okay -- sometimes a littl...