After 24 books for children and young adults, librarian Porte's first collection of 14 short stories for grownups captures universal foibles and fortitudes by retelling ancient multicultural folktales in thoroughly modern American settings. The metaf...
Meet Julia and Evan, two siblings who greet each day's escapades with an uncommon mixture of curiosity and common sense. Whether they are lost in a crowd at a marathon, filling a grocery cart with pet supplies for the dog they don't have, or findi...
When her father and brothers are called to serve in the emperor's army, Ma Jiang, a young girl from long-ago China, wonders who will collect the prized orange ants that her family sells to make their living....
Students who break the rules at Ernestine Wilde Alternative High School get sent to see Ms. Lavinia Drumm, the librarian. Tall and exotically dressed, wearing strange jewelry and voluminous shawls, and holding a carved shillelagh, Ms. Drumm is known ...