The book is a coming of age story and a personal account of the Civil Rights Movement in Hattiesburg, Mississippi, as witnessed and experienced by the author. It contains stories about the individual and collective struggle for equality in a small Mi...
Set in the small college town of Sharpville, Mississippi, Fruits of a Disgraced Legacy is a raw and intense account of a ruthless cabal that used unmitigated power, influence, and millions of dollars to earn both respect and fear from the citizens of...
Ashley comes home from school feeling very sad and is ready to change who she is after one of her friends from school tells her that he doesn't like the color of her skin. With a lot of love and words of support, Daddy helps her embrace the skin she'...
Too often teens and adolescents place greater importance on athletics than they do on academics. This novel demonstrates both the negative and positive consequences of placing relative importance on either priority....
For five years, a fragile peace had prevailed in the town of Sharpville, Mississippi, following the convictions of the town's criminial cabal, which operated for more than four decades as self-appointed protectors of Jim Crowism and a brand of white ...