Foolish Desire is the story of a feisty young widow (Jenna Nightingale), who determines to start a new independent life. She struggles to overcome her conflicting need for independence weighed against her deep desire as a woman to love and be loved b...
Fans of cars and trucks books such as Goodnight, Goodnight Construction Site can count down from ten to one as they follow ten tractors and their busy day working on the farm.10 little tractors ready for the day. Shift into gear -- Brummmm! Now they'...
Fans of cars and trucks books such as Goodnight, Goodnight Construction Site can count down from ten to one as they follow busy excavators during their working day.10 little excavators wake up with the sun. Can't wait to work -- Vrooom! Now it's time...
This sweet bedtime board book is perfect for any toddler superhero. After all, being a kid is a big -- and exhausting -- job!Hush, little hero, the day’s almost done. A day of adventure, heroics, and fun.Lyrical rhyming text and dynamic illustrat...