Set in the Caddo Lake area of Deep East Texas, this novel unfolds as Detective Cheryl Burroughs and Postal Inspector Allen Conyers work together to find a robber, forger, and murderer before he has time to kill again. Inspector-in-Charge Jim McCain, ...
When a neurosurgeon student returns to her home in Galveston County, Texas, as a major hurricane approaches, she enters to find her two roommates and another woman, unidentifiable because of the mutilation of her face, she tries to get away from a ma...
Wrongly incarcerated for the murder of his family, a Texas man escapes to his hometown to kill the police chief, whom he suspects drove his wife to suicide, and finds Detective Mark Shigata in his place...
When councilwoman Margaret Ruskin is found dead and half-eaten in the alligator pit of Ark Park, Japanese-American police chief Mark Shigata investigates shady doings at the park, run by a possibly corrupt evangelist...
A 5000-years-dead pharaoh (descendant of the REAL Scorpion King) and his favorite concubine quarrel bitterly inside an exhibit hall in a museum in Cairo, about love, hate, and murder--especially his murder of his brother and his and the concubine's s...