This popular children's novel is based on a real unsolved murder that took place in Barkerville, B.C. during the 1860's Gold Rush. The quick-paced an engrossing story brings to life and exciting era of British Columbia history as its hero, Ted, strug...
In By the Skin of His Teeth, 17-year-old Ted MacIntosh, whom author Ann Walsh showcased earlier in Moses, Me and Murder and The Doctor’s Apprentice, befriends a young Chinese boy despite the intense prejudice seething in the frontier town. Ted suff...
Has a protest to save a tree gone too far? Callie's mother has chained herself to the neighbor's tree and is living inside the treehouse. She refuses to come down until the neighbor, Mr. Wilson, agrees to leave the tree standing. Soon reporters arriv...
The result of a cross-Canada contest for the best short stories about young people's experience of loss and grief, Dark Times is a superb anthology about a topic that often remains hidden but is crucial in the development of a child's sense of identi...
Short-listed for the 1999 Sheila A. Egoff Award for Children’s Literature and Geoffrey Bilson Award Ann Walsh’s sequel to Moses, Me and Murder (Pacific Educational Press) continues the adventures of Ted, now 14. Still tormented by the ghost of ...
For this young adult anthology, Ann Walsh has selected fifteen captivating stories written by well-kknown authors from across the country. Each contributor has penned a dramatic account of a real episode in Canadian history. From mine disasters to...
Once again Callie is forced to take part in her mom's latest crusade.They head into ranch country to camp -- bloodthirsty mosquitoes, stinky outhouses and all -- at a protest to save a rural school. Callie's grandmother shows up with her biker buddie...
How is plywood made? What are dozer boats? How has forestry changed in the last century? These questions and dozens more are answered in Forestry A-Z, both in the informative and fascinating text and in the beautiful photographs....
Short-listed for the 1990 CLA Book of the Year for Children Award Moving to Soda Creek, a former Gold Rush boomtown in the Cariboo region of interior British Columbia, Kelly Linden and her father try to begin their lives again after a tragic family...
Moving with her mother from Vancouver to Wells, British Columbia, Elizabeth Connell longs for the excitement of the city and her father, brother, and friends left behind. While she is in the peaceful graveyard of nearby Barkerville she finds a small...
In the first novel in the Barkerville Mystery series, protagonist Ted MacIntosh tries to unravel a suspicious murder with possible fatal consequences. lt’s summer in 1866 in the Cariboo gold fields, and a man has disappeared. Young Ted learns from ...