Mike Edwards, a very skilled diver, finds himself in several life threatening adventures in this spine tingling novel. However, the main plot of the story is his journey to find the sunken ship Los Espanoles Condesa. The ship sunk in 1622 and it carr...
Book two in the Mike Edwards Adventure Series: An Al-Qaeda stronghold buried deep in a canyon in the Afghani mountains is working to develop an anthrax virus and a warhead capable of delivering it. The canyon is a natural fortress, impenetrable to mo...
"My spy classmate, Andy Anderson, has written a delicious follow-on to Greene's "Our Man in Havana" in his novel "Sudden Recall." It is at the same time funny, fast-paced, current and full of wisdom. It may provoke a few flashes of indignation in ...
The year is 1937. Theodore McRudy steps off a train in the little town of Dry Fork, TN. He is looking for Work, looking for Love, looking for Destiny. At the end of Dry Fork stands a Beacon of Light, a shiny new mercantile store called Food World. Th...
It's July 23rd 2198 and another day in a climate-controlled paradise. That is until a group of religious terrorists commandeer the orbital station controlling the Earth's fragile weather patterns and plunge the planet into a global ice age. Eight yea...
Book two in the Mike Edwards Adventure Series: An Al-Qaeda stronghold buried deep in a canyon in the Afghani mountains is working to develop an anthrax virus and a warhead capable of delivering it. The canyon is a natural fortress, impenetrable to mo...