After eighty years of total war the remnants of humanity on the Nayarit Line struggle to survive in their sealed domes, surrounded by radioactive wastelands. Now, in the last, desperate years of the war Commissar Traek arrives at Chiqu, a small resea...
Perhaps running away from home had not been one of Mark’s brightest ideas. But after his mom canceled his visit to her archaeological dig on Teral Four, he felt he had no choice. Now he wasn’t so sure - when his dad, a Colonel in the UN Peacek...
Tania is tired of not having any friends because every time her mother changes her job they have to move. But this time Mom had really gone too far, dragging Tania away with her to a temporary posting as senior security officer on Calista Station.Thi...
The last thing Tania needs is someone else telling her what to do. Her mother does enough of that already! But during a school trip to the museum, she somehow finds herself gaining a bossy, alien teddy bear called Edward, who decides to adopt her.Whe...