Emerging from the landscapes and folklore of Trinidad and Canada, the stories in The Night Piece reveal a world both recognizable and shockingly strange: cities of fear and violence, where quiet inhabitants lead outwardly banal lives that conceal sin...
The publication of André Alexis's award-winning first novel, Childhood, in 1998, marked the United States debut of one of Canada's most gifted young writers. Now, with Despair, Alexis offers further proof of his brilliance and displays a talent for ...
Like all of us, Ingrid wants to belong, especially to a family. Now, she does have parents whom she loves very much, but she has a sense that there is more to her past than she’s been told. When the opportunity presents itself for her to visit Hung...
An utterly convincing and moving look at the beauty and perils of consciousness. -- I wonder, said Hermes, what it would be like if animals had human intelligence. -- I'll wager a year's servitude, answered Apollo, that animals â€" any animal you...
Giller Prize winner André Alexis’s contemporary take on the quest narrative is an instant classic. Parkdale’s Green Dolphin is a bar of ill repute, and it is there that Tancred Palmieri, a thief with elegant and erudite tastes, meets Willow Azar...
Botanist Alfred Homer, ever hopeful and constantly surprised, is invited on a road trip by his parents’ friend, Professor Morgan Bruno, who wants company as he tries to unearth the story of the mysterious poet John Skennen. But this is no ordinary ...
These eight stories reveal a world that’s both recognizable and strange: cities of anxiety and violence, where quiet inhabitants lead outwardly banal lives that conceal sinister interiors. The premises, both fantastic and surreal, are also eerily p...
The award-winning author of Fifteen Dogs conjures up worlds -- real, invented, uncanny -- in this ingenious, electrifying collection.A Trinidadian obeah man finds himself reborn, a hundred years after his death, in the body of a Canadian child; a wr...