An exciting adventure story of a wild horse born on the open range, captured by an unscrupulous rancher, then befriended by a young girl. "The rapid pace and tense drama will easily mesmerize readers...provides a timely peek at the plight of wild hor...
Book Three of the Kayla Montgomery Mystery Series *****
Farmer Verne Schaffner's animal cruelty explodes into murderous revenge when Kayla reports him to the humane society against boyfriend Rob's advice to look the other way and mind her own busi...
Rob's interest in a more sophisticated woman drives Kayla into the arms of a handsome, but disturbed young man, and distracts her from seeing the oddities in the situation of a young racehorse being quartered and temporarily trained at her aunt's ran...
Mugsy, Natalie, and Denver want to go to Adventure Land, the water park where they can plummet down rides like the Belly-Buster. To earn money, they form Noah's Ark Pet Care Club. But they aren't anywhere near ready to care for a pampered Pekingese, ...
Follow Oliver and Paris into the woods. Paris, afraid of mysterious noises and shadows, is reassured once a friendly chickadee joins their hike. She, Oliver, and the chickadee enjoy a picnic at a heron rookery. With twilight approaching, Paris spots ...
In this adventure story from the Follow Me series, Oliver and Paris follow a luna moth at dusk and learn about nocturnal animals. With the porch light to guide them safely home, they continue hiking and discover raccoon kits playing hide-and-seek and...
Emily's family moves to the country, and she misses her best friend. Then she and her brother meet Tomás and Daniela, who help them prepare for the spring parade. Together they decorate a float, create silly costumes, and come up with a plan tha...
Ex-best friends Annie and Mirra are shipwrecked and must try to survive on a remote island near Nova Scotia inhabited only by wild horses-or that's what the fourteen-year-old girls think at first. Then they discover warm embers and strange footprints...