  • Published:
  • Type:
    Original story collection
  • ISBN:
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List of Titles

Author Book Series Genre Date Rating Genre      
(ss) Fantasy / F 3
(ss) Fantasy / F 3
(ss) Fantasy / F 3
(ss) Fantasy / F 3
(ss) Fantasy / F 3
(ss) Fantasy / F 4
(ss) Fantasy / F 3
(ss) Fantasy / F 4
(ss) Fantasy / F 3
(ss) Fantasy / F 3
(ss) Fantasy / F 4
(ss) Fantasy / F 3
(ss) Fantasy / F 3
(ss) Fantasy / F 3
(ss) Fantasy / F 3
(ss) Fantasy / F 3.5
(ss) Fantasy / F 3
  • Description:
    Inspired by classic fairy tales, but with a dark and sinister twist, Grim contains short stories from some of the best voices in young adult literature today:

    Ellen Hopkins
    Amanda Hocking
    Julie Kagawa
    Claudia Gray
    Rachel Hawkins
    Kimberly Derting
    Myra McEntire
    Malinda Lo
    Sarah Rees-Brennan
    Jackson Pearce
    Christine Johnson
    Jeri Smith Ready
    Shaun David Hutchinson
    Saundra Mitchell
    Sonia Gensler
    Tessa Gratton
    Jon Skrovron