Zoe's Good-Bye
  • Published:
    Jul-2005 (Hardcover)
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    General Fiction
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When a girl is faced with the reality that her beloved dog and lifetime companion, Zoe, is old and dying, she cannot bear to let her go. She remembers the vibrant, energetic, and happy dog that Zoe once was. During what would be their last night together, they meet a mysterious dog musher and his exuberant team of sled dogs. The musher offers to take them on a midnight ride. When the team takes a moment to experience the magic of the winter night, Zoe refuses to ride any further. Instead, she wants to run with the wind, as she did when she was young. Can Zoe's owner let her go, free from illness, free from pain, free to run? Zoe's Good-bye takes the reader to a place that few stories about pet loss do. It leaves the reader with a sense of peace in believing that such an afterlife exists. Perhaps, in their afterlife, our companions are whole again and free to enjoy the things they loved while alive. Pet lovers young and old will have their heartstrings tugged by Zoe's Good-bye.
People / Creatures
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    • Jun-2005
    • Beaver's Pond Press
    • Hardcover
    • ISBN: 1592981100
    • ISBN13: 9781592981106

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