Someone was out to kill the Governor of Texas, and this time they came mighty close to doing just that. Yancey Bannerman, the Governor’s top Enforcer was right beside him when it happened, and Yancey admired no man more than his boss. From that moment forward he vowed to run the would-be assassin to ground and see that justice was served – not only on the man who’d pulled the trigger, but the men in the shadows who’d hired him.But there was a problem. The assassin was known only as ‘Saber’. He could have been short or tall, thin or fat, bearded or clean-shaven, long-haired or bald as an egg. No one seemed to know for sure. So he was looking for a needle in a haystack. And even when he narrowed the haystack down to a faceless little town Paisano, his manhunt got no easier. For Paisano offered a whole list of suspects. Question was, which was was Saber … and would Yancey find out before Saber made a try on his life as well?
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