The shocking dystopian future of the Age of Apocalypse continues!The world groans under the Darwinian conqueror Apocalypse's rule. Under his thumb, America has become a dark and dangerous dystopia where mutants rule, humankind suffers, and survival of the fittest is all! But in the shadows, the freedom fighters known as the X-Men — following a tenuously thin thread of hope — continue their dangerous and multi-pronged plan to restore the true Marvel Universe. As the X-Men battle Holocaust and the Sentinels, Nightcrawler searches for the seer Destiny, Cyclops and Havok clash in the Dark Beast's slave pens, and young Nate Grey meets his maker...literally! COLLECTING: Astonishing X-Men (1995) 2-3, Amazing X-Men (1995) 2-3, Gambit And The X-Ternals 2, Generation Next 2, Weapon X (1995) 2, X-Calibre 2-3, Factor X 2-3, X-Man 2-3, X-Universe 1, X-Men: Year Of The Mutants Collectors' Preview
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