A hot new superhero series that combines an action packed mystery with interactive puzzle-solving where readers control the outcome of the story. There will be fifty chapters, twenty of which will end with a puzzle used to help the reader determine the next place to travel within the story. Both a book and a game combined with the huge popularity of the most popular superhero characters -- Wonder Woman will be a sure winner with both boys and girls. Each book will contain twenty interior illustrations.
Wonder Woman suddenly loses her powers -- then, just as quickly, they return. Her powers continue to "blink" on and off. She remains powerless for longer and longer periods of time. She returns to Paradise Island seeking answers to this mystery. There, she is forced to relive her history and again battle Ares, win the contest to find Themyscira's greatest warrior, battle Neron, be reborn, and travel back in time to become part of the Justice Society.
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