WINNER of the 2012 IPPY AWARD ("Sweet Song") For fans of James Salter, Jonathan Evison, Jim Harrison, and J.D. Salinger
An ad exec, led to spiritual awakening by mystical Native Americans, discovers love and violence at the edges of sanity.
Wolf, a predatory New York ad man on a mid-life path to self-destruction, meets with a mysterious band of Native Americans who send him on a spiritual journey in the New Mexico desert. There's no turning back, as his life falls apart around him.
Accused of murder, implicated in his friend's suicide, his marriage irrevocably broken, Wolf's sanity and very survival are at stake in his profound personal struggle to banish his own aggressive egotism, to connect with people and nature and to rebuild his life.
Other novels by Terry Persun:
Sci-fi: "Revision 7: DNA", "Backyard Aliens", "Hear No Evil", and "Cathedral of Dreams"
Fantasy: "Doublesight", Book I of his trilogy.
Mystery/Suspense: "The NSA Files" and "Mistake In Identity"
Mainstream/Literary: "Ten Months in Wonderland", "The Perceived Darkness", and "Deception Creek"
Magical Realism: "Wolf's Rite", "Giver of Gifts", and "The Witness Tree"
Historical Fiction: "Sweet Song"
Poetry: "And Now This", "Every Leaf", and "Barn Tarot"
Nonfiction: "Guidebook for Working with Small Publishers" and "Simple Practices for a More Successful and Fulfilling Life"
Short Stories: "Psychic Circus", "The Beach Cabin", "Meat House", "Death Speech", "Finding a Little Courage", and others
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