When a witch and a vampire meet by chance on a wintry street in Prague, desire and danger collide...Casimir has dedicated his life to working for the Alliance, a group that maintains the uneasy peace between witches and vampires. But when he crosses paths with a beautiful red-haired vampire, he's tempted to stray from the well-ordered path of his life...
When Fiona arrives in Prague, she is eager to relax and enjoy the sights of the city in winter. Yet after a mysterious--and sexy--male witch crosses her path, warning her of danger, she finds herself drawn to him more than she wants to admit.
As a ruthless enemy looms, Casimir and Fiona grapple with a burgeoning, fiery desire--and they must make the ultimate choice between passion, love and duty...
Please note: Winter's Fire is a side / prequel novella to the Descendants series. Start reading now!Descendants Series Winter's Fire (prequel novella)
Shadow Descendant
Marked Descendant
Dark Descendant
Descendants Series Omnibus: Books 1, 1.5, 2, 3
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