Winter and Spring
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Seasons of Pleasure - Winter Pleasures: The Training By Anya Bast Book 1 in the Season series Sienne, a sex slave from Sudhra, is delivered to the neighboring country of Nordan and presented to Lord Marken's hedonistic court as a diplomatic gift to entertain him over the long, harsh Nordan winter. Unbeknownst to Marken, she's been charged with the task of uncovering information about the Nordanese military. Her cruel Sudhraian keeper, Cyrus, will ensure she suffers dire consequences should she fail. Sienne has never enjoyed the sexual act and Marken vows to train her to pleasure before winter's end. He also vows to loose the chains of slavery from around her mind and free her from Cyrus. Marken captures Sienne's heart and incites her body to lusts she's never known. How can she bring herself to betray him? How can she not when she's under Cyrus's threat? Review quotes for Winter Pleasures: The Training by Anya Bast 4 1/2 stars! "...fantasy romantica at its sizzling best." ~Catherine Witmer, Romantic Times Bookclub "In a nutshell this was sweet story telling at its most engaging." ~Connie, A Romance Review "A wonderful tale of love conquering all, couched in some of the best erotic scenes, that I have read...." ~Irene Marshall, Escape to Romance Seasons of Pleasure - Spring Pleasures: The Transformation By Anya Bast Book 2 in the Season series The Hunted… Raven is an Aviat, a unique race hunted to near extinction for their beautiful wings. When the hunter who traps her is killed, she finds herself imprisoned in a Lorddom where no one knows her secret. But there is one man she finds difficult to deceive. Every touch he bestows upon her body ignites a fire within her. The Captain… Talyn is entrusted with the care and taming of the wild and secretive woman. His own past is a mystery to him and Raven brings to the fore many of his bitter half-memories. He is inexplicably attracted to her, obsessed by her. The Threat… For all of Raven's secrecy, she has not managed to elude one who vows to have her for his very own. He will stop at nothing to obtain her…. Review quotes for Spring Pleasures: The Transformation by Anya Bast 4 1/2 Stars! "..Bast writes an intriguing tale of mystery, love and passion..." ~Robin Taylor, Romantic Times Bookclub "Spring Pleasures is an extremely exceptional story that totally captured my imagination and fascinated me..." ~Raven Jackman, Just Erotic Romance Reviews "Attractions ignite, and missions clash, in this fanciful world of sexual healing." ~Hilary Evans, The Romance Studio
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    • First Edition
    • Feb-2005
    • Ellora's Cave
    • Trade Paperback
    • ISBN: 1419950533
    • ISBN13: 9781419950537

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